Sigmund von Niedertor with his entourage ...
... give you a very warm welcome in the Tyrol of the 1400.
... give you a very warm welcome in the Tyrol of the 1400.
One main focus of our society is the exploration and the illustration of medieval life and its culture of property, mainly in the old Tyrolean area of the late 14th and beginning 15th century.
Our aims:
• Exploration and illustration of late medieval life
• Reconstructions
• Procuration
• Enthusiasm on medieval times
The South Tyrolean society „Niedertor mit Gefolge“ based in Terlan is a so called Re-enactment group with the aim to re-enact a certain historic era in order to make it comprehensive and descriptive (also see Re-enactment).
The society‘s members represent the Tyrolean Aristocrat Sigmund von Niedertor with his entourage as they may have been in historic occurrences.
It is the declared aim of the society to reconstruct medieval items in a most authentic way. Sources are archeological findings, frescos and written testimonials of the old Tyrolean area. Each particular asks for a detailed investigation. The members examine corresponding frescos carefully, ransack certified copies of document collections and interpret the findings together with experts. It is the society‘s aim to act in a historical serious way and to differ clearly from theatre and carnevalistic groups.
The reconstruction is often very time-consuming and exhausting; however it also implicates many new findings. The actual reconstruction often necessitates dexterity and patience for many times, the work has to be started from the beginning.
These everyday items are presented and explained publicly on several occasions, such as historical meetings, school projects or at children‘s events.
Re-enactment means a new staging of concrete, historical events. Through historical re-experiencing history is made comprehensible.
The aim of historical re-enactment is to reconstruct a concrete historical event of the past as authentic as possible. The basic requirement is a scientific approach.
The precise historical base for our society is the early lifetime of the Tyrolean Nobleman Sigmund of Niedertor.